The differences between related terms and words which encompass aspects of racial admixture show the impact of different historical and cultural factors leading to changing social interpretations of race and ethnicity.
In 2002, they published results of a study regarding the racial admixture of Americans who identified as white or black.
Among those who self-identified as white, the black racial admixture was about 0.7%; which is the equivalent of having 1 black and 127 white ancestors among one's 128 5xgreat-grandparents.
Among the 30% who do have African ancestry, Shriver estimates their black racial admixture is 2.3%; the equivalent of having had 3 black ancestors among their 128 5xgreat-grandparents.
The race of the future is a theoretical composite race which will result from ongoing racial admixture.
As a form of racial admixture, Caspian subtype represented among; Azerbaijanis, Kumuks, Kurds, Turkmens and Talyshs.
Despite racial admixture, Chhetris remain strongly indo-Nepalese in culture and language.
Modern anthropologists classify Indians as belonging to one of four major ethno-racial groups, which overlap significantly because of racial admixture: Caucasoids, Australoids, Mongoloids and Negritos.
There is nothing to show that the children of racial admixture are, as a class, inherently either better or worse in any respect than either parent.