I think the coalition should and does exclude racial and religious bigots; end of litmus test.
Nowadays its use is the sure mark of the racial bigot.
One day soon, someone will play back that debate as an exercise in historical shame, much as we now watch documentary clips of serene racial bigots denouncing the efforts of the black freedom movement in days of yore.
They think I'm a racial bigot.
In the eyes of the social and racial bigots, Jazz's potential for being linked with the down-trodden minorities and pariahs of German society - the blacks and Jews - rendered it suspect.
Like many of the townspeople, Ray is an unthinking racial bigot.
Mr. Wicker's targets also included members of Congress, government secrecy, big business, corrupt labor leaders, racial bigots, prison conditions, television and the news media.
America's racial bigots also have it.
Another private named Wilson (Shea Whigham), a racial bigot and instigator, continuously demeans Miter and Bozz (basically anyone whom he judges to be "weaker" than himself).
As examples of the media's protracted efforts to portray Howard Beach as a racist stronghold - a place where reporters can easily find racial bigots willing to speak for the record - consider the following.