During the 1980s, University City High School was known for its racial clashes or tension amongst the black and Asian students.
China's news organizations have largely ignored the recent racial clashes, and the reports that have been publicized have tended to say that the tensions are easing.
Three students are still detained of the 130 Africans whom the police took to a Government guest house on Dec. 26 after racial clashes in Nanjing.
Rumors of racial and religious clash surfaced which could explain their desire to avoid the repeat of this kind of situation.
Recently he volunteered to mediate another racial clash - between Mayor Koch and Jesse Jackson.
The accident touched off several days of racial clashes in the Brooklyn neighborhood, where blacks and Hasidic Jews live in uneasy coexistence.
Mr. Dinkins was referring to the events that led to racial clashes in Crown Heights last month.
But with so much intermarriage between the Maori and whites, few here fear racial clashes.
They incited racial clashes in the summer of 1963, as the murderer and the victim were of different tribes.
"In a history often defined by racial clash," he writes, "hip offers an alternative account of centuries of contact and emulation, of back-and-forth."