Joining Maryland would retain the city's racial definition and, he said, allow for fairer representation in Congress and more resources to meet Washington's current state-scale responsibilities.
A package of legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Wayne Bryant would replace the racial definitions in the law with class distinctions.
Black nationalism (BN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism.
Since most of my racial peers and I are of mixed race, it is nonsensical to continue the use of racial definitions.
Although racial and colonial definitions of the Middle East are no longer considered ideologically sound, the sentiment of unity persists.
White nationalism is a political ideology that advocates a racial definition of national identity for white people.
This racial definition of American citizenship has had consequences for perceptions of American identity.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, racial definitions of the American nation were still common, resulting in race-specific immigration restrictions, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act.
Korelitz (1996) shows how American Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries abandoned a racial definition of Jewishness in favor of one that embraced ethnicity.
Genocide and ethnic cleansing are predicated on ethnic or racial definitions.