Cal is also black, and when some of Jack's former buddies see the two men together, racial insults enter the picture.
One of the group shouted a racial insult, and someone punched the white woman in the face.
It's a racial insult to ask her to come forward.
They tell of incidents in which racial insults were exchanged, along with blows.
Then, one evening last fall, he shouted racial insults in a university courtyard.
Go into one of the black taverns and start making loud racial insults?
For example, a racial insult - not forgetting the accompanying loss of self-esteem.
Women have also been subjected to racial insults because their skin is darker than that of the Arabs.
Members of the team exploded, saying the phrase was an explicit and deliberate racial insult.
Among thousands of comments left since 2007, some included racial insults.