To forbid states from banning racial intermarriage?
A major goal was to end "amalgamation" by racial intermarriage.
At a recent meeting between generals from both Koreas, the North delegation's leader condemned the South for allowing racial intermarriage.
Antoine's committee also failed in an attempt to have the state law forbidding racial intermarriage declared unconstitutional.
A similar argument could be made for other groups, as racial intermarriages continue to create a growing multiracial population.
So was racial intermarriage; but this faces scriptural admonitions as in the doomed city of Sodom.
And they said they did not oppose racial intermarriage.
Most Americans say they approve of racial or ethnic intermarriage - not just in the abstract, but in their own families.
In the end, racial intermarriage is a result, not a cause, of racial integration.
He doesn't believe that any large-scale policy can increase residential or educational integration, or raise the low level of racial intermarriage.