The black-white racial pattern has too deep a history.
The rule of the Batson case comes into play when there has been an apparent racial pattern in jury selection.
But the cases do not fit a familiar racial pattern: the officers who fired the shots were black.
The racial pattern does not prove that lenders are discriminating, the researchers say.
Notwithstanding those exceptions, the sheer numbers suggested a racial pattern in the peremptory challenges exercised today.
Horace became a victim of Seattle's changing racial and political pattern.
Some have suggested that differing pre-adoption experiences, including age at adoption, explain the racial patterns in the results.
A defendant who offers such a study can force state or Federal prosecutors to explain to the court's satisfaction the apparent racial pattern.
Beyond these caprices, both houses rejected a proposal to protect against the infamous racial pattern of state executions.
Real estate agents, developers, lenders and others share responsibility for the racial pattern of the mortgage loans, a report by the bank concluded.