But in this case the ex-girlfriend is black, and the rhymes are full of crude racial taunts.
But other witnesses have told the police that both the victims had been harassed with racial and sexual taunts.
They moved out within two weeks because of harassment and racial taunts yelled at them as they walked in the town outside the housing complex.
The marchers were greeted by some residents with racial taunts.
His athletic dominance elicited racial taunts which he ignored.
This was the site for a large-scale siege lasting eight hours, which was sparked by racial taunts and violence.
Sometimes they cursed each other, using the racial and ethnic taunts of the streets.
Chinese children also sometimes endured racial taunts from their local classmates.
The inspectors then allegedly ridiculed him, using racial and sexual taunts.
There is, for example, the occasional racial taunt.