An archetype of American alienation, Penn is constantly hurling himself onto the front lines of gang warfare, class warfare and ultimately, tragically, racial warfare.
Themes of the novel include racial and class warfare and the effect of blue collar bitterness in father figures.
Picard vaguely remembered an ancient civilization that was supposed to have destroyed itself via racial warfare some fifty thousand years before his own century.
Their ideas were based in romantic nationalism and social Darwinist ideas about racial warfare.
At Axis you get something else: a visual account of the life-and-death politics of racial warfare and government terrorism, which are equally part of the story.
Whites, Negroes and Mexicans hated each other but refrained from racial warfare.
President Taft dispatched the U.S. Marines to Cuba to protect Americans there during racial warfare.
There is no racial warfare in Glendale.
The News said there were violent clashes and "roving bands" of marauders, while The Post described "racial warfare."
A Boston couple planned to blow up Jewish and black landmarks in the hope of inciting racial warfare, a prosecutor said today in federal court here.