There were negative, even racist, aspects to the campaign, with allegations that he did not have British nationality.
But the film manages to avoid excessive gore, lurid violence and the potentially racist aspects of its story.
Many in Africa believe that there is a racist aspect to European and American criticism of Mugabe.
I had to reslant it to remove racist aspects of the original story line.
Big Brother warned Akin for his aggressive and threatening behaviour but did not consider that there was any racist aspect.
It has been successful in continuing to focus attention on the racist aspects of the Malaysian Government policies.
Supporters of Zionism, such as Chaim Herzog, argue that the movement is non-discriminatory and contains no racist aspects.
The racist aspect of the incidents was reported widely overseas.
The film completely removes all the sexist references from the original opera libretto and plays down the so-called "racist" aspects.
We don't condone them in any way, especially if they have racist or sexist aspects.