Elementary School called the tunnel a racist conspiracy and invoked the name of the disgraced Los Angeles detective Mark Fuhrman.
The suspect, it turns out, was the only white person on a rush-hour train heading downtown from Harlem, and it doesn't take long for everyone to sniff a racist conspiracy.
But the authorities say they have found no evidence of a national racist conspiracy.
Clyde feels that he was the victim of a racist conspiracy and sensing his imminent arrest he decides to go 'on the run' with Kofi.
We are teaching black kids that they are victims - the only victims - and that everything that goes wrong in life is part of some racist conspiracy.
Loosely comparable to the anarcho punk/hardcore scene of his whiter contemporaries, smart enough to realise the thin boundary between black nationalism/NOI and weird racist conspiracy theories.
In a 2002 editorial in the Columbia Spectator, conservative commentator Jaime Sneider contended that thetruth.com attempts "to create the illusion of a racist conspiracy perpetrated by 'Big Tobacco'."
But Mr. Cochran, offered a chance to state publicly the most concrete evidence to date of a racist conspiracy, may have had other audiences in mind.
But several members of the audience insisted that performers were not to blame and that the problem involved a grand racist conspiracy by the government.
In treating race, he devotes considerable energy to upbraiding a wealthy and paranoid black entrepreneur who sees racist conspiracies everywhere.