At its best, affirmative action merely redistributes the continuing effects of slavery and generations of racist discrimination more broadly throughout society.
With growing protests against racist discrimination, tens of thousands of Black families in the city staged a school strike in the early 1960s, setting up "Freedom Schools" to study African-American history.
Using The Schedule of Racist Events (SRE), an 18-item self-report inventory that assesses the frequency of racist discrimination.
You do realise, don't you, that most cases of sexist and racist discrimination never make it to court and never result in any kind of settlement?
The group responded by accusing the Israeli government of racist discrimination.
Ferguson's lawyers (William Kunstler) argued that he should not be held criminally liable, for actions which broke the law, because he was overcome with rage by his perceived society's racist discrimination against Black people.
Hope Landrine and Elizabeth A. Klonoff found that racist discrimination is rampant in the lives of African Americans and is strongly related to psychiatric symptoms.
Economic development in India was also thwarted, as in other colonies, by forms of racist discrimination which excluded locals from engaging in entrepreneurial activity.
The U.S. Postal Service refused to mail some issues of The Militant and threatened to cancel its third-class mailing permit, citing objections to its articles opposing racist discrimination.