In other words, Robb was by this account part mentor to a mass murderer whose only quarrel with Robb's racist doctrine was its cosmetic overlay.
German Interest Dwindles With disaffected settlers abandoning the colony, the survivors jettisoned first the founders' socialist ideals, and then their racist doctrine.
Jezabel reveals that Karup was her father, and had left her black pregnant mother to die after being turned by Oldsmill's racist doctrines.
A- They abandoned the racist doctrines 30+ years ago, not long after the rest of society.
But he couldn't escape one crucial fact in those racist doctrines: race, for them, was a biological fact.
So, although it may be made explicit that ethnomathematics is not a "racist doctrine" it is vulnerable to association with racism.
The abomination of apartheid involved the suppression of a majority by a minority on the basis of racist doctrine.