It follows that community of purpose is particularly decisive for us, coming as we do, rawly, from our divided, racist past.
No force can now stop or even delay our emancipation from the pain and the shame of our racist past.
The find has forced this upscale city of 20,000 people, about 20 miles northeast of Indianapolis, to confront its racist past.
Baseball's racist past is evident in how the leagues do business.
This is perhaps an inevitable reaction to an unapologetically racist past.
Mr. Lott was pressured to step down as majority leader for comments suggesting he had not distanced himself far enough from his racist past.
This election, now promised within 12 months, will mark South Africa's first clean break with its racist past.
We need some reckoning with the racist past, but reparations encourage the wrong kind of reckoning.
Thurmond is so old that it's considered bad form to criticize his sorry record or dredge up his racist past.
"We haven't come close to dealing with the problems of the most burdened legatees of our racist past, the poor and the unemployed."