Unfortunately, few 18-year-olds have the savvy or conviction to punish big-time universities for racist hiring practices.
Women of colour who face racist practices cannot be simply incorporated into models which assume white women as the norm.
To appreciate this is not to justify racist practices that prevailed throughout the country in the 1940's.
Many whites refuse to see the ways in which they continue to benefit from racist practices in the past and today.
First, LOreal is the only international cosmetic company convicted of racist hiring practices.
Glad to see this sexist, ageist and racist practice being challenged.
And, in another major change on a police force previously accused of racist practices, he has named a black as spokeswoman for the department.
What's Romney's reason for his long silence on the racist practices of his church?
It also included work in military production and opposition to racist practices in the United States.
This inevitably reduces their strategic purchase on racist practices.