But we can no longer see anything to be gained by allowing sport, however noble its intentions, to be used to shore up a racist regime.
And it is a brutal racist regime.
Elean:In your situation, you need a common language to help break down the divisions being both aggravated and imposed by the racist regime.
But as the liberation movement's most embattled white man he prevailed among the truest opponents of the racist regime.
Racial quotas have been one of the worst evils of racist regimes.
Even then, the idea of making common cause with a racist regime would have stirred wide disgust.
Passing "has always constituted something of a challenge to racist regimes," Kennedy writes.
They are also your husband's children, and your husband is a member of the fascist racist regime.
Europe's nations imposed racist regimes on peoples of color, especially in Africa, and robbed them of their wealth.
For many years, South Africa was ostracized because of its repressive racist regime.