Their racist sentiments toward Arabs are not a secret to Israel and its security services.
Eitan was a supporter of the South African apartheid regime and voiced racist sentiments himself.
He concludes that in biblical and post-biblical Judaism there are no anti-black or racist sentiments, a finding that some scholars dispute.
Another example of this traditional, krogan mindset is his racist sentiments directed at various turians and salarians.
The recordings primarily contained racist sentiment.
The decision to retire the mascot was made to avoid portraying racist sentiments associated with the Civil War confederacy.
Daniels and other Democrats launched a "White Supremacy" campaign to appeal to racist sentiment.
Student voices seem to echo new racist sentiments off-campus.
Those amendments do not improve the report; rather they are a crude attempt to add the biased, distorted and racist sentiment of the signatories concerned.
Marcia uses fear-mongering tactics and often expresses racist and homophobic sentiments.