The reason given was the racy material of the film and West's sexual persona in a religious setting.
"They are more mature and want a little racier material."
The first English translations of some of Aretino's racier material have been coming onto the market recently.
Booths promoted Christian colleges, foreign missions and a DVD player that skips over racy material in movies.
As the show is on cable, fewer restrictions will apply to the show in regards to explicit content, such as swearing and racier material.
The work of the modernist poet Mina Loy (1882-1966) has begun to weather, but her life remains a treasure trove of racy material.
The 70-minute show, released in 1983, showcases his most racy material.
He was only 8-years-old when he got his first exposure to Murphy's racy material.
And her format has become more varied, her repertory more playful, incorporating racy special material from her early years as a supper-club performer.
The letter X was also a nod at the racy and sometimes X-rated material they featured.