The software re-samples both data sets to a common grid and generates statistics that compare radar reflectivity and rain rates.
A surprise that the group encountered in the 1995 tornado was the discovery of a series of nested rings, or bands of radar reflectivity, surrounding the storm's eye.
The result is a map of radar reflectivity, including both amplitude and phase.
In other words, one can extract terrain altitude as well as radar reflectivity, producing a digital elevation model (DEM) with a single airplane pass.
The design of an airplane greatly affects radar reflectivity.
Radar signature within a thunderstorm characterized by a local minimum in radar reflectivity at low levels which extends upward into, and is surrounded by, higher reflectivities aloft.
MMCR also reports radar reflectivity (dBZ) of the atmosphere up to 20 km.
It had sloped flat sides to deflect radar signals, and was built using a high percentage of plastic composites, which had a lower radar reflectivity than metal.
Noctilucent clouds are known to exhibit high radar reflectivity, in a frequency range of 50 MHz to 1.3 GHz.
This reduces the radar reflectivity caused by energy bouncing off the crew members or equipment inside the plane itself.