To do so, I open my radar transmissions to full aperture and power.
Keep your radar transmissions to an absolu minimum.
Two days ago, radar transmissions were once again interrupted, and a force field with a diameter of eleven kilometres was generated around the object.
"The radar transmission is designed to penetrate cloud cover and would be valuable in both ocean and land surveillance," the article said.
The radar transmission may either be pulsed or continuous.
Other specialists intercepted and analyzed radar transmissions.
"And without radar transmission or airfield landing lights, how's he going to find his way here?"
The U-boat detected radar transmissions several times, and dived immediately.
This was a device which enabled the Mosquito crew to home in on a German night fighter's airborne radar transmissions.
Well, llic mission was electronic, nol visual, and clouds didn't mean much to radar transmission or reception.