On the Pennsylvania Railroad in America, phase breaks were indicated by a position light signal face with all eight radial positions filled by lenses and no center light.
This velocity () is closely related to the orbital velocity of a body in a circular orbit of the radius equal to the radial position of orbiting body on the parabolic trajectory:
Our radial position is twelve degrees above course, and almost dead on course in R.A. Do you want Sol's co-ordinates?
The main assumption is that heat flux q/A in a turbulent system is analogous to momentum flux τ, which suggests that the ratio τ/(q/A) must be constant for all radial positions.
Furthermore, the strands cannot occupy the same radial position in the bundle: the electromagnetic effects that cause the skin effect would still disrupt conduction.
The polygon turning unit has a multitude of inserts, and is synchronized so that when an insert cuts the turning bar stock, it cuts the bar at the same radial position each time the workpiece rotates.
To maintain the rod in a radial position the circles have to exert an infinite force.
Perpendicular to the beam path, there exist a number of optical ports for viewing the plasma at different radial positions.
Each group occupies the radial position corresponding to the number on the Luoshu magic square, i.e., group 1 at 1 position, group 2 at 2 position etc.
It allows bicycles to follow the track around the corner at a constant radial position.