Multidata Systems has been providing medical physics solutions for radiation oncology since 1980.
Currently, radiation oncology is among the most competitive specialties for graduating medical students to obtain training in.
In radiation oncology there is typically talk of two isocenters:
It was the first cancer center in central Iowa to house all radiation oncology and ancillary services in one location.
It will also include radiation oncology, which provides a full-service radiation therapy program.
The hospital plans to continue offering outpatient programs such as emergency care services, imaging services, and radiation oncology.
A two-year part-time course intended for medical graduates interested in medical and radiation oncology.
Major advances in chemotherapy, radiation oncology, pathology and surgery have made the crusade for function preservation possible.
The Red Journal boasts an impact factor of more than 4.1 and is considered the leading journal in radiation oncology.
Radiation Therapist, published twice a year, focuses on technical advances in radiation oncology.