His world collapses when his father dies, the radical friend leaves him and her family takes the woman away to another city.
He couldn't call on any of Strelnik's radical friends, either, for the simple reason that he didn't know who they were or where to find them.
Here she was with her radical friends, the porpoise freaks.
A couple of my radical friends would agree with him.
He's another one of your radical friends we don't want around.
He still had arguments about the war; with Sammy, his dad, his radical friends.
"The monks were keeping the beast at bay with their holy sacrifices, but your radical friends in the government killed or imprisoned all of them."
My radical friends said, 'You're going to work for a bank?
Some of my more radical friends would say that I'm selling out by trying to make my voice heard from within the system.
How many radical friends of students have taken 'trips' and never returned?