In 1885, Warren stood for election to Parliament as an independent Liberal candidate in the Sheffield Hallam constituency with a radical manifesto.
"This is a radical agricultural manifesto," said Chuck McCullagh, Novii Fermer's publisher and a vice president of the Rodale Press.
The two men's inability to make common cause illustrated one of the main reasons why the government had less to fear from oppositionists than the radical manifestos of 1861-2 appeared to suggest.
Her opponents say this actually understates what Mrs. Thatcher is aiming for with her self-described "radical manifesto" for a third consecutive term, unprecedented in this century.
Greens Party of England and Wales unveil radical manifesto aiming at measures against climate change.
Those who advocate social reform value the study of authenticity since it can provide a radical manifesto and an overview of the shortcomings of social structures.
Frederick Ackerman was the source of the first modern architectural handbook, Architectural Graphic Standards (1932), which was intended as a radical manifesto.
Although loosely defined as poetry the book is also a radical social and psychological manifesto which has been compared with R.D. Laing's Knots.
"We noticed people wearing them, and then you start to investigate and you find out that the designers have this radical manifesto and that catches your eye, too."
The SCUM Manifesto is a radical feminist manifesto written in 1967 by Valerie Solanas.