The FOCA also issues permits for hazardous shipments by air, this concerns mainly chemical hazardous substances such as ammunition, as well as biological or radioactive cargo.
Another is whether President Harry S. Truman, who authorized the atomic bombing of Japan, knew of the U-234's radioactive cargo.
The reason for the mystery is that Government records available for public scrutiny are silent on what happened to the radioactive cargo of the U-234.
Border guards in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan seized a radioactive cargo on an Iranian truck bound for Pakistan, State Department officials said.
She was not even a passenger ship, but a drone, a robot ship intended for radioactive cargo.
Moving on to accidents involving radioactive cargo, it is unfortunate that the Environmental Ministers did not expressly acknowledge this problem and dealt with it accordingly in the common position.
According to European Commission officials, radioactive cargo is implicitly covered in the text.
Vessels are rusting apart, and their radioactive cargoes are sinking.
The Commission proposal contains nine resolutions adopted at the International Maritime Organisation, in particular the inclusion of boats transporting radioactive cargo.
Secondly, it is surprising and even dangerous to continue to allow the transportation of radioactive cargoes in boats also carrying passengers.