Dr. Sakharov's first known step to dissent began in 1957 over the issue of radioactive hazards posed by nuclear test explosions in the atmosphere.
Shutting it would still leave some radioactive hazard and require more nonnuclear, potentially polluting, power plants.
Chemical hazards are far more significant than radioactive hazards, though there is a radioactivity concern if prepared with enriched uranium.
The appearance of an often thick layer of green or yellowish brown paint in devices from this period suggests a radioactive hazard.
From a waste management viewpoint, transmutation of actinides eliminates a very long-term radioactive hazard and replaces it with a much shorter-term one.
The low specific activity and relatively low energy of its beta particle have been said to limit the radioactive hazards of this isotope.
Polonium, astatine and radon are radioactive, and therefore present radioactive hazards.
The low specific activity and low energy of its radiations limit the radioactive hazards of this isotope.
The test results now are expected to provide the scientific guidance for a decision the Bikinians must make soon on how their homeland will be cleansed of radioactive hazards.