To super-shift the AR-DNA complex, AR protein was incubated with polyclonal AR-specific antibody (CW2) [ 24 ] prior to the addition of the radioactive oligo probe.
The mice appeared normal, but after using radioactive probes he discovered that the virus had integrated itself into the mice genome.
"Er, ideally, I'd tag the recombinant plasmid with a radioactive probe, but I still haven't found the right sequence to use as a carrier."
Inside, scientists were prepossessed with pipettes and gels and radioactive probes as they coaxed sequences of genetic code to unravel their identities.
Consequently, the avidin-biotin system can frequently replace radioactive probes.
This clustering of annexin A5 on the membrane greatly increases the intensity of annexin A5 when labeled with a fluorescent or radioactive probe.
The millions of copies of the gene segment are labelled with a radioactive probe as they are being made.
Added to the mixture are radioactive "probes" that combine with certain repetitive sequences of the genetic material.
Using a radioactive probe corresponding to the ZENK gene, the researchers looked for evidence that the gene was active, or expressed, in different parts of the brain.
Although fluorescent dyes may not have the same sensitivity that radioactive probes did, they are able to show real-time activity of molecules in action.