Up to twice that volume of less radioactive soils have been tipped onto nearby industrial waste sites.
Soldiers, too, come and go, trying to cover or remove tons upon tons of radioactive soil and debris.
So far, tens of thousands of cubic feet of radioactive soil have been shipped there.
But isn't it poisonous, covered with radioactive soil?
In 1980, the radioactive soil was rediscovered on McClure Crescent.
The radioactive soil itself gave off heat, small by the square foot but huge by the million square miles.
In drilling the hole, the drill bit brought radioactive soil and water up to the surface.
Then starting in 2004, another 200 cars of radioactive soil was shipped to Utah, Mr. Hill said.
That list is going to grow like a hothouse tomato in radioactive soil irrigated with steroids.
Most safe areas have been paved over or bulldozed, removing the top 40 inches of radioactive soil.