Their amazement grew when they discovered that it also contained faint radioactive traces of three different transuranium elements.
"In view of those radioactive traces, Dad, I believe the alloy may come from somewhere near our undersea helium wells," he conjectured.
The rounds left radioactive traces of uranium that could be detected with Geiger counters.
Mr. Kovtun, now reportedly in a Moscow hospital being treated for radiation exposure, left a trail of radioactive traces in several places.
The police said Friday that radioactive traces had been found at each location.
Russian prosecutors were not allowed to investigate Boris Berezovsky's office in London for the radioactive trace.
We found the remains of the interceptor, or rather the radioactive trace.
Telt had never sent word of his discovery of the radioactive trace to the Nyjord army.
Also about the radioactive traces.
I couldn't ignore his report of radioactive traces.