The ambassador called for UN troops on Japanese soil to supervise the disassembly of all radioactive weapons.
Chemical, gas, radioactive and bacteriological weapons, hoarded from long ago, were released.
It was a deadly war, fought with radioactive weapons, and, as you can see, the planet is a radioactive corpse, festering forever in the void.
A dirty bomb, also known as a radiological dispersal device (RDD) is a radioactive explosive weapon.
And in still another, a world destroyed by the same hellish radioactive weapons that had obliterated the first two was still hideously barren after more than forty thousand years.
The new law applies to people who carry out hoaxes involving biological-chemical, radioactive or nuclear weapons and is part of emergency antiterror legislation to be submitted to Parliament next month.
An advanced CBRN defense system for protection against chemical, biological and radioactive weapons.
Amid concerns that Middle Eastern terrorists might have procured radioactive weapons, the Defense Department is pressing for approval of a novel drug that could help protect people from radiation.
A rule was put into effect last year to expedite approval of drugs aimed at countering biological, chemical or radioactive weapons.
But if you want to discuss radioactive weapons, why not hold a debate on Mr Litvinenko's murder and its far-reaching consequences?