Light spilled out through a ragged gap above the handle.
He made a gesture, and a bridge appeared, spanning the ragged gap between them.
His left arm was covered in blood, pouring from ragged gaps near his shoulder.
As Blohm watched, something raised its head from one of the ragged gaps in the metal and looked back at him.
Jagged blue lightning stabbed through one of the ragged gaps and found the only thing in the office block that was moving.
The ragged gap in the railing would still be visible to them from the southeast corner of the lower level.
The ramships backed oars from the great ragged gap in the wall and made way for their king.
There was a huge, ragged gap at the top, but the door still closed flush.
It buckled great chunks of land and tore a ragged gap.
He pointed upward at the ragged gap in the canopy.