Discard plants with ragged leaves - signs of a poor crop.
I took the bag and examined the ragged leaves with polite interest.
A few ragged leaves had been caught in some shrubs.
In this earth grew tufts and clumps of thin-bladed, very tough-stemmed grass which in its turn gave way to small bushes, clothed with ragged blue-green leaves.
Nothing in it moved ex-cept a wind-stirred branch that jiggled a spray of ragged leaves in the foreground.
A thousand feet below, the local equivalent of a forest grew, the trees, topped with huge ragged leaves, looking like hundred-foot stalks of celery.
Bananas with their great ragged leaves, like the tattered habiliments of an empress in adversity, grew close up to the house.
"Isn't that the plant with the ragged leaf that's good for Creb's arthritis?"
And most of the trees seem to be half covered with ragged dry leaves that have never fallen.
The sun had all but set, flaming gold in the last ragged leaves of the chestnut trees.