The ragged volcanic peaks of Madeira rise in my mind.
It was a good view out over the city, north to the ragged high peaks of the Djenn Marre.
All day the landscape changed, rolling grasslands became empty downs, rising with the sun into ragged distant peaks.
All around us ragged, faceless peaks loomed through pent clouds.
To wander aimlessly in those ragged peaks and actually find a piece of quartz that picks up radio waves is extraordinary.
Already, he could see the ragged peaks of the mountains ahead; he would soon be there.
True to their name, these ragged peaks were shaped by the last ice age, and are some of the highest in the Northwest Territories.
A sheet of pure outraged energy flared above ragged peaks.
She was on a ledge overlooking a deep valley surrounded by a cluster of barren, ragged peaks.
Behind the ragged peaks of the Heewhirlas the sky glowed pale.