He also tried in vain to polish his ragged ranks.
They were listening to him, falling into ragged ranks, quieting down.
He folded it away and looked around at the ragged thin ranks of the crew.
The Supreme Grand Master let this sink in, and then stalked along their ragged ranks.
The others formed in two ragged ranks behind him, and the patrol marched into the night as if stepping to three different drums.
Filthy and exhausted, the men stood in ragged ranks.
One man strode through the wizard's ragged ranks, a look of grim determination on his dark-skinned face.
The opposing leader snapped out another command, and his ragged rank of followers charged to the attack.
They were not in panicked flight but marched in ragged ranks.
There was sporadic gunfire, and behind the truck now, Rourke could see the first ragged ranks of the mob- running after him toward the airfield.