Way in the back of the gym, behind the ragged ring sitting low on the ground, a shriveled old man with cauliflower ears and a flattened nose sang out instructions to a toddler in Spanish.
The men of the camp seemed to hang back, forming a ragged ring around the growing knot of women and children.
The stiff, cold breeze carried the dust away to reveal a ragged ring of hunters, their bows drawn, poison arrows pointing up at the three of them.
She sailed over a ragged ring of mountains-not a simple rim, but a structure, with the tallest mountains innermost, and lower foothills farther out.
One had a multiple set of jaws so massive they dragged on the ground, another a round sucker mouth v;'Ith a ragged ring of teeth.
The ragged ring of men spread out to corral two figures now circling each other.
In a ragged outer ring, pointing in at the massed Brigantes, twenty-five Russian flame throwers spewed out their deadly orange spray.
His thick and greasy paintings of skinny dead trees, silhouetted against the ragged concentric rings of a sickeningly radiant orb in the sky, are at once horrible and sumptuous.
They formed a ragged ring around the skimmer.
It looked as though he was taking a nap, except for the ragged ring of holes in his chest and all the blood.