But in 1932, when the destitute built a ragtag collection of shanties they called Hoover Valley, the police removed them.
The ragtag collection of engineers and engineers' helpers suddenly were worth more than $300 million.
We too were a ragtag collection of perpetual losers.
The ragtag collection of vehicles was making good progress, but it felt frustratingly slow to Curtis.
The ragtag collection of people steadily advanced up onto the white marble of the plaza, like beggars at a coronation.
Like the Dodgers, the Orioles, a ragtag $78.5 million collection of overpaid, underachieving players, are in last place.
The grid would then be responding as an integrated entity, not as a ragtag collection of selfish units.
But she was ushered out by American officials, into the parking lot, where a ragtag collection of protesters gather every day.
Combatants see the policing force for what it is, a ragtag collection of third world armies thrown at a problem.
She had been rather obvious the other day in the East End, she thought, remembering the ragtag collection of children that had followed her.