With a very limited highway and railroad infrastructure, aviation emerged as the essential and in most locations the only transportation system.
Nelson spent more time on the issue of extending the railroad infrastructure into the Upper Country.
This was not enough to reverse the deterioration of the railroad infrastructure.
New initiatives for highway, sea and railroad infrastructure.
A large coaling tower and many other railroad infrastructures existed in and around the town.
He found that it was impossible to drive "free" labor the same way that they could force prisoners to mine and build railroad infrastructure.
Much of the railroad infrastructure is still in a poor state, all of the rolling stock being inherited from the former Soviet Union.
It would keep this status for subsequent rushes in the region due to its trade center status and accessibility to railroad infrastructure.
Mr. Hamed was also behind attacks against a major fuel depot and railroad infrastructure, the military added.
Reportedly, more than 230,000 rails were destroyed, along with many bridges, trains and other railroad infrastructure.