Entry to the unpaved parking lot is through a shabby, rusted railroad underpass.
This aerial image shows the old alignment west of the traffic circle and the still two-lane railroad underpass.
Soon, beyond a railroad underpass, we are on a twisting blacktop through fields toward the mountains up ahead.
They even showed us where there was a walkway to get up to Westchester Avenue from the railroad underpass.
The location is also a short distance to the north of a railroad underpass.
While there were some delays in completing the railroad underpass, work was well advanced.
There is a low (10-foot) clearance under a railroad underpass in Greenville.
The city decided it wanted an office park in the neighborhood and needed Mr. Morley's property to build a railroad underpass.
Drive past the tiny carpenter-Gothic church, continue through the railroad underpass, and bear right.
"You see the problem," said Mr. Burton as he looked across 70 feet of private property to a railroad underpass.