The railway communication of the district, especially at the suburban area is very developed.
As Panagarh-Morgram Highway passes through the town so by road communication is well developed along with the railway communication.
A quarry commenced operations in 1927; the railway communications enabled fast shipment of mined material.
He earned a Ph.D. degree after publishing more than 10 works on railway communications.
The weak point in the affair, however, was one that cheaper transport following on increased railway communication could remedy.
If not for the trade depending on the railway communication, this art would have died out long ago.
The first link of railway communication was completed in 1855, and well-considered plans mapped out the course of other lines and their method of administration.
Prior to construction of the railway communication, connection with the outside world was via a village cartway.
To 1899 Berdyansk has received a railway communication.
With its direct railway communication, the town became an important entrepot for trade with the Xhosa people throughout "Kaffraria".