It rained bullets.
"Ah, like the charming journey the other day, when it rained bullets and produced a crop of steel traps!"
Meanwhile I and my riflemen rained bullets on them from certain positions which we had selected beforehand, until at length our ammunition began to run low.
They howled as the two men on the stairs rained bullets on them.
Seconds later, after raining bullets in every direction, the gunmen jumped back in and sped off.
Chimera was up in that dome, raining bullets down.
Their purpose was to rain bombs and bullets toward the front of that silent house as a cover for Tiger's activities in the rear.
She has incredible aim with firearms and can be fearless even if it is raining bullets.
During the last offensive, their commander attacked enemy formations from the rear, raining machine-gun bullets down on their heads.
"It had rained bullets and they stayed dry," writes Ralph Blumenthal in one of the many felicitous phrases in which his book abounds.