There was no breath of wind, but the rain nearly drowned the flare as the great deer hurried down the slope, sliding on his haunches.
Then came the rain: stinging like hail, drowning the wind and turning the air to water.
After the laughter receded, Carlo said, "Hasn't all the rain drowned some of your cities too?"
Thunder and rain roared in his ears, drowning thoughts he wanted drowned.
'Come on, lad, let's get off the hill before that rain comes and drowns us.'
They prayed to their gods for rain and the rain drowned the tiger.
The rain drowned the candles' flames, and darkness once again enwrapped the city of the dead.
They looked like they hoped the rain would drown the torches.
Heavy rains from the storms also flooded 739 hectares (1,800 acres) of crops and drowned 23 livestock.
The rain drowned it, and the seasick Fencible's stomach was quickly empty anyway.