I eased close and listened, but the rain interfered with any sounds within.
The rain interfered with the immediate fulfillment of his plans, but there was plenty of time, and he could mature his ideas with thought.
Then the rain would come again and interfere with their work.
Heavy rain interfered with radio communications that were already affected by the loss of the scout car.
But Leyland planned to start Rodríguez and will do it again on Thursday, if the rain does not interfere.
The rain would interfere with the lasers and prevent the dispersal of tear gas.
The bushes bloomed heavily last year, he said, but heavy rains on Memorial Day in 1986 may have interfered with pollination.
No rain or wind interfered and the juices oozed on schedule.
Salt, dirt, heavy rain and other substances can interfere with electrical conductivity and wiring.
The basic idea is that it decreases drying time, particularly in humid climates or if rain interferes with haying.