He said the rain would last through tomorrow morning.
And if this rain lasts long, the water will rise here, too.
The rain lasted about twenty minutes, when the cloud, only half exhausted, passed quite away from over us.
The rains last 40 days, but the flood itself lasts almost a year.
The winter season starts when rains are over in October, and lasts until the end of March.
But the rains couldn't last forever, much as he would have liked them to.
"The rain cannot last forever, but men lost in a poorly chosen battle do not fight again."
To his wearily experienced eye the rain would last for a good hour and a half.
At length the wind died down, though it seemed as if the rain would last the rest of the day.
Consequently, rains start earlier in the southern part of the state, where rain is heaviest and lasts longer.