Traders said the rain and snow in the Midwest would replenish soil moisture for the resumption next month of spring planting.
Every fall and winter, as the weather cooled, the rain produced new grass growth and replenished the water sources in the Mojave Desert.
The annual rain replenishes water supplies, but when it proved inadequate last year, lakes, streams and even small rivers dried up and the grass turned to tinder.
The asphalt driveway has been replaced with porous pavement, which lets rain and snow replenish the groundwater.
Heavy rains in 1997 replenished many other lakes in the area, but the level of Muriel Lake is falling again.
They hatch when rains replenish the water of the pool.
But the flooding and rains have replenished the Edwards Aquifer, the city's underground water source.
So the rain replenishes the fresh water supply, but. . ." His voice trailed off.
In time, they shed rain, and the rain replenishes the lake.
The Rift Valley's seasonal rains replenish a network of rivers which sustain life through the prolonged dry periods.