Matt switched off the drill and pulled out the bit as a small rain of flakes of goo swirled to the tunnel floor.
A crooked smile crossed his thin lips, and the misting rain swirled away from him.
If winds are blowing and rain is swirling as you read this, blame Robert Perez.
The rain swirled in a gusting wind.
Hard rain swirls around Creslin, and his right arm lies leaden at his side.
The dust storm had swirled around her like the rain was swirling now.
The sleetish rain swirled around them, and water dripped from their cruel tips.
Sleet and rain swirled around him so that he could barely see tall buildings looming up in the darkness, much less anything else.
Cars and houses loomed briefly as the fine rain swirled sluggishly.
A bright golden rain of sparks swirled high into the sky.