It still rained, even poured, but not until late afternoon, when 20 of the 22 scheduled third-round singles matches had already been completed.
"The rains cut off like a spigot on the Fourth of July and it never rained again until September."
Art Garfunkel remembers that it had been raining, until the sun popped out just in time to set.
The only unknown was the weather and it rained every day beforehand, until the day when it was glorious.
"It won't rain again until tomorrow morning," he said.
It was not a pleasant day, and to make matters worse it rained until late in the afternoon.
In which case it will not rain again until the full moon.
It was 48 degrees, raining steadily, until the third inning, when it slowed to a drizzle until late in the game.
If it doesn't rain again until the millennium, Don Feldott won't shed any tears.
"It rained pretty doggone hard up until this morning."