The black and white photograph shows the actor with a pulled up collar on a casual jacket and a cigarette in his mouth on a rain-soaked, grey day.
As Mayor, Wilson introduced President elect Abraham Lincoln from the balcony of the Monongahela House on a rain-soaked day in February 1861.
A rain-soaked day robbed the fans of a classic for the second time in five years and the first-half left a lot to be desired.
Down provided the opposition and a tight game developed on a rain-soaked day.
But, there was also the sharing of food, marijuana and stories of rain-soaked days and nights.
At Fort Clatsop, near Astoria, Ore., where the explorers wintered for 106 rain-soaked days, visits have increased 10 percent.
During a funeral for a World War II veteran on a rain-soaked day here last week, Mr. Hasheider demonstrated how the ceremonial bugler works.
Amazingly, after a windy, rain-soaked day at Churchill Downs, the sun came out just shortly before race time.
I met Benedict Allen in London on a rain-soaked day, and as I started to take his picture, I asked him to drop his pants.
And it is that belief that rallied thousands of Americans to Osawatomie - maybe even some of your ancestors - on a rain-soaked day more than a century ago.