The rainfall regime of Barangay Dos is characterized by the two (2) pronounced seasons, the wet and dry seasons.
These lower values of precipitation apply to the spiny desert and Madagascar dry deciduous forests while the higher rainfall regimes apply to the (eastern) lowland rainforests.
The Municipality has a rather undulating topography and the climate is of the semi-equatorial type with a double rainfall regime.
The Durance and its tributaries have a torrential character, with a transition between the snow regime of the high valleys and the mediterranean rainfall regime in the lower mountains and below.
Due to the natural water harvesting capacity, many species in tiger bush usually occur only under a higher rainfall regime.
The annual rainfall regime is about 800 mm.
The relationship is a complex combination of the type of soil, the rainfall regime, the plant species present, the slope aspect, and the steepness of the slope.
This species thrives in rainfall regimes of 39 to 78 centimeters per annum.
However, the rainfall regimes in the south exhibit a greater abundance of precipitation and little annual variability, while the north is characterized by less abundant rainfall and greater variability.
This creates a unique situation characterized by a bimodal rainfall regime, which extends into the southern part of the province described below.