He added that problems within the euro area raised concerns about the health of banking systems around the industrialised world.
In the past decade, genetic engineering has become controversial, as some consumers raise concerns about the potential health and environmental effects of what they call "Frankenfoods."
But it raises concern about the health of the Caspian sturgeon population.
Animal welfare activists have raised concern about the physical and mental health of elephants in captivity.
Analysts raised questions about the future health of one Multimedia business - television syndication.
But at its heart, the slogan is also meant to raise alarms about the health of the nation's economy in the not-too-distant future.
For the Clinton Administration, the relentless attrition at big companies raises questions about the health of the economy and what policies to pursue.
Mr. Johnston said the rising population of immigrants raised new questions about the economic health of the downstate cities.
Instead, it raises questions about the health of the newly sleep-deprived working populace.
In the later part of the 2000s concern has been raised about the health effects of nanoparticles.