This special referendum raises troubling questions about majority will, minority rights and the relationship of a city's parts to the whole.
At the very least, it will raise interesting questions about the relationship between authors and their writing.
A concern was raised about the "over-comfortable relationship the government has with some of the bigger players."
"The public is raising questions about the relationship with Israel, and the Government is unable to move people towards peace."
These discoveries raise intriguing questions about the relationship between viral genes and the normal genes of the cell.
However, this does raise an important point of debate in contemporary discussions about the relationship between madness and creativity.
The response to the emergency raised disturbing questions about the relationship between humanitarian agencies and host governments.
These changes raise important questions about the relationship between research (or scholarship) and teaching.
And it raised questions about the relationship between school leadership and academic performance in the public schools.
Both of them were concerned that the gifts might raise questions about the relationship.